painted scenes from Minions, Cornwall
Crafty Life

Making a move-Life Update

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From Cornwall to Lincolnshire

Life Update-October 2021

Time for a life update as we’ve been very busy over the last couple of weeks. We have sold our business in Cornwall and moved across the country to Lincolnshire!

When in Cornwall we owned a physical shop and tearoom, whilst here in Lincolnshire we have plans to run an online craft shop and cake service.

The property we have bought requires a fair bit of work but also comes with a chunk of land which so far our canines have enjoyed running around. We hope perhaps in the future we could open this up for others to use as we have really enjoyed the relaxed feeling having a secure place for our dogs to run free over the last couple of weeks.

It’s been quite the life update! In the meantime I plan to keep updating this blog now I’m starting to settle into a weekly routine as well as sharing our progress on Instagram so be sure to check it out!

Life Update-October 2023

We are still ticking on with the renovation works to the property but found ourselves flooded by Storm Babet in October 2023.

Luckily we haven’t had the chance to do the main renovation works which means that the property now damaged wasn’t in its final state.

The area has never flooded before and it’s been quite a shock. With the surrounding fields flooded and wet still even into January 2024.

Obviously, a flood wasn’t in the life plan but we have to go with life ebbs and flows.

Crafter, painter and makeup artist, and mum of dogs too!

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